We’re madly rolling out dough and mashing potatoes over here at the Cutshaw house. At least I am. My son is still playing games on his tablet in between me shouting, “Come in and help me!”
That’s how it is anymore, though, isn’t it? We spend our lives staring at screens, rather than interacting with the people around us. As I was showing my son how to cut butter into flour to make a great apple pie, I realized he doesn’t do things like this on a regular basis. Actually using his hands to make things is becoming more of a novelty as he gets older. It’s a wake up call for me that I need to give him those experiences. I used to help my grandma make pie dough pretty regularly as a kid. It’s a memory I like to look back on, and I’d be poorer if I hadn’t spent that time with her.
John Muir said a lot of great things about nature, and this one has been running through my mind today: Keep close to Nature's heart... and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.
With that in mind, we’re starting a new Thanksgiving tradition in our house. After we eat, we’ll take a nice long walk outside. The tv can wait.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Nature through the senses
It’s the time of year when ads are coming in from all sides trying to sell something, but we can have a nice air freshener in our home without spending a lot of money on it. Peppermint oil mixed into water can be sprayed around the room to give it a quick fresh scent.
Speaking of hiking, this is a great time to get out for a long hike. Fewer people are out on the trial, and you can have some nice views with peace and quiet. If you want to find a new trail to explore, AllTrails.com is a great resource.
Ever hear a bird song and wonder which bird it could be? (I do that a lot. One of these days I’ll learn my bird calls.) In the meantime, The National Zoo has a good online key to figure out which bird it is.
Hickory nuts should be off the trees by now, making it a good time to go out and look for them to collect on the ground. They’re common in my neck of the woods, and I’m thinking I’ll collect a few to start some new trees this Fall.
Pine cones are another natural material that should be falling to the ground this time of year. If you’re looking for something to keep in your pocket to feel connection with the woods, a small pine cone would be a good option.